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"opening of our new coptic orthodox church "st marc et st. moïse le fort"church at kabondo

The celebration of the first mass of the Egyptian church is held in Burundi during

the first week for the Egyptian presidency of the African union.

In the occasion of the first mass in “St. Marc and St. Moise le Fort” church which is

considered the first Coptic Orthodox church in Burundi. The Coptic Association has

organized a celebrating reception at the new church in which the Egyptian

ambassador in Burundi Dr. Abeer Basiouni Radwan has attended and made a

speech illustrating role of Egypt, land of prophets, with its oldest church in the

history, in constructing the essential Christian base all over the world. All Christians

and Muslims are proud of the role of their country that is reflected on the Christian architecture, arts, literature, music and Coptic icons.

At the end she said that the first week for the Egyptian presidency of the African union has met the first mass of the Egyptian church in Burundi and this has a great impact meaning that we are close and present in all Africa. Also, Father Estephanos Morcos, the representative of the Coptic Orthodox church, has made a speech stating specifically the journey of the holy family in Egypt, the meaning of Coptic Church and its beliefs and the national role of the church in Egypt all over the history and with all different presidents.

The ambassador DR. Abeer Basiouni Radwan, the members of the embassy, the Egyptian and Arabic community, several diplomatic and Burundian characters, on top the members of the Egyptian Burundian friendship association (BEFA), the office protocol of the first lady in Burundi, some representatives of foreign embassies, sons of the coptic community in Burundi with Russian and Ethiopian nationalities have attended this celebration.

After that, the ambassador has honored Father Estephanos Morcos, the representative of the Coptic Orthodox Church in Burundi, and Miss. Sherine Selim, the representative of Coptic Orthodox Association in Burundi, for their efforts of building and constructing this church. Also presents of the holy family in Egypt have been distributed to all the attendees.


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Registered ASSOCIATION Number 530/445 - 21/04/2011

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