AEOCB au Burundi
"medical services"
The “AEOCB au Burundi” started the service in Burundi by a medical mission in January 2012, and the missions still go up till this moment.
Since 2012, 32 medical missions were dispatched consisting of 151 physicians in different specialties (Dermatology, Dentistry, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Pediatric, ENT, Gynecology, Physiotherapy, Psychology, Orthopedic, Internal medicine, cardiology) serving approximately 9383 patients & 442 operations*.
These services started in governmental hospitals in Bujumbura, “Clinique Prince Regent Charles” and “Clinique Prince Louis Rwagazorie”. In 2014, we obtained the license of our free charity clinic in Kabondo to serve the people in need. Our medical services are currently expanding to other areas in Burundi like "Hôpital d’Ijenda", “Centre de Santé de Mutumba”, “Missionnaire de la Charité” (Mother Teresa houses) and “Hôpital de St. Thérèse de Bethany a Gitega”
*Numbers are updated till Aug 2018